Tuesday, February 24, 2004

well yea, i haven't updated you all in awhile. So traveling in Europe wound up being fun, despite being chock full of drama amongst me and my companions. I'm now back at Goldsmiths and have really started to make my room my own here. I bought several pictures and a map of Europe in Amsterdam and have really started to make an effort to decorate. I also have found out that as a result of the crisis over "top up fees" (basically forcing british students to pay more money for college (ha! they hardly pay anything as it is)) everyone is on strike tuesday and wedsnesday of this week. Most of my classes have been canceled. Its really just crazy. I don't understand what they're complaining about when American universities cost so much money.

I have finally started getting into doing some of my research for my essays this semester. One is due in 2 weeks, however should really be a breeze. I may start going into london proper more often as i think New Cross (or maybe more so some of the people here) are starting to get to me.

love from london,

Friday, February 13, 2004

Well greetings from Lindsay lost in the world that is London.

Everything here is going quite well. Classes are about the same. Still no photo of the fox living outside my flat (although i've seen several other ones by now).

Last night we went clubbing at the Ministry of Sound which is one of Londons more well known and posh clubs which was a blast. Tonight is my friend Chris (a fellow exchange student)'s birthday so we're having a little suprise part and then tomorrow is......AMSTERDAM and PARIS. I'm getting excited although to be honest i'm not quite as excited as i should be.

Last weekend i actually went out and did some touristy stuff around london. Chris, Lynn, Joanna, Christian and I all went to the Science Museum and to the Victorian Albert Museum. I love having all museums here be free. Its so wonderful. I have to say that my favourite museum here will always be the British one. Which i plan to visit sometime soon.

Well thats all.

Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Its 60 degrees. Thats so wierd to me. its early february and i'm wearing a skirt, a tank top and a sweater. thats it.

I've decided this week i must get back on track with my sleep schedule. I went to bed at 10;30 last night and woke up every 4 hours, but hey, its a start.

I can't get over how obessessed with American culture the English are in some way. In my weekly grocery shopping trip to Sainsbury's yesterday, i managed to discover "American style Salsa" (which let me tell you, tastes like crap...and well Americans only eat crap that tastes good!) and "Eat my Shorts" Bart Simpson cereal (which the pieces of cereal are cleverly little shorts). And of course who can forget all the "American Southern Fried Chicken" places around here, which i'm not going to pick on that one, because they do damn tasty veggie burgers.

Tuesday, February 03, 2004

Finally! After much hassle and pain, i got Yahoo to post some of my photos. See some of the random people i hang out with, Swansea, and my kitchen/room at....


Sunday, February 01, 2004

Just a quick update as i've neglected you all this week. As earlier said, we had snow. It is long gone and London is back to being a balmy 54 degrees right now. And cloudy as per usual. One of the new cool things i've decided that occurs here is the appearence of foxes. Yes, foxes, in the city of London. My 1st fox observation came just a few days ago sitting exactly where i am right now, on the 2nd floor of the library. Looking down on New Cross road, sure enough on the walk way was a fox trying to hide from the several asian girls that were chasing it. Then again last night sitting in my kitchen with everyone in loring, a fox walks right up to our window nosing around. Unfort. by the time i got my camera he'd wandered back down to the bushes, although i've been assured he will surface again.

Chris is in town this weekend, which is great (although i should keep this short as he's back at my flat still). Although i wasn't feeling well the past day or so, todays been nice as i got 2 pieces of mail, and a package. Yay. (even if 1 piece of mail was a bank statement saying i have £0.

We're (theres 5 of us) all booked for our reading week in feb. We're flying into the Netherlands, taking a train to Amsterdam, then a few days later a train to paris and then a few days later a plane back to the UK. Oh the excitement. Well thats all for now.