Wednesday, February 04, 2004

Its 60 degrees. Thats so wierd to me. its early february and i'm wearing a skirt, a tank top and a sweater. thats it.

I've decided this week i must get back on track with my sleep schedule. I went to bed at 10;30 last night and woke up every 4 hours, but hey, its a start.

I can't get over how obessessed with American culture the English are in some way. In my weekly grocery shopping trip to Sainsbury's yesterday, i managed to discover "American style Salsa" (which let me tell you, tastes like crap...and well Americans only eat crap that tastes good!) and "Eat my Shorts" Bart Simpson cereal (which the pieces of cereal are cleverly little shorts). And of course who can forget all the "American Southern Fried Chicken" places around here, which i'm not going to pick on that one, because they do damn tasty veggie burgers.


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