Friday, July 29, 2005

So, the hunt is temporarily over...


Mind, you it's temporary. But it's a real job. At an office. Behind a computer and a desk. I'll be working for Euromoney Magazine. They're a big magazine that does "news, information and in-depth analysis of the financial markets worldwide". I'm not doing anything exciting, just organizing data regarding banks in Excel. It should only last a month, but it's a real job i'll be doing from 9:30am-6pm. Or at least starting on Monday i will. I should come out of this with more than enough money to go on a holiday for sure.

And if that's not enough, i discovered how small a world it really is. I was chatting with my friend Dulcy this morning and mentioned my new job and she goes, "isn't that where Sed (a somewhat mutual friend who i met through Dulcy when we all went clubbing a month ago) works?". I pull out his buisiness card, and sure enough it is. He's an editor of a section of the magazine. Go figure. Small world. We're going to call him tonight and tell him.

Back to the traveling as i got a enquiry regarding my plans. I'm sure you'll all be glad to know it's not to Egypt. Despite my growing desire to go there the recent events have put me off just a bit. Temporarily. Ask me again in a few months and you'll get a different story. Right now i'm thinking that it will probably be either Croatia or Turkey. Honestly i'm 95% leaning towards Croatia and it's likely that Matt will come a long as well. I want to be on a beach. I miss the smell of salt water in the air and sand in my feet.

I promise to have photos up soon. I'm also getting internet for my flat although i have no illusions about how long that is going to take to be installed. We still have 2 empty rooms as well. The nice weather has subsided although the sun keeps trying to poke through here today. Yesterday it was pooring the whole day tho.

Love to all,


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